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Every language fixes something - a DiGraph - just for fun (solipsys.co.uk)
172 points by ColinWright on July 28, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 101 comments

Yes the chart has errors, yes some of the vectors make no sense. Yes, your version of the chart would differ greatly (hell, his "enhanced" one differs significantly from the basic one.)

Cut the guy some slack. He put the work in and the result is a pretty cool look at how he makes sense of the way various languages interrelate and borrow from each other. There are others showing the way other people think [1] and I hope some of you will try your hand at it.

[1] Personally, I really like the one O'Reilly did a few years back: http://oreilly.com/news/graphics/prog_lang_poster.pdf I suspect I tend to think more linearly than the OP

Well said, if perfection is the only thing worthy of being posted nothing would be said.

If the OP's main premise holds, it should take only some research to "expand" oreilly's graph with improvements between each language.

The enhanced version is completely different from the regular version. Not only are the reasons different, but a lot of the languages don't even inherit from the same sources (the regular version had javascript coming from java. wtf?). Just goes to show how arbitrary/silly it all is.

Still pretty awesome. Why did haskell come about? "Lazy evaluation is cool, yo."

It's pretty clearly not meant to be historical at all. That said, it's pretty questionable that it's much accurate at is trying to do either...

'Still pretty awesome. Why did haskell come about? "Lazy evaluation is cool, yo."'

Hah. I added that edge way back when I was back in college. The "extended" graph was actually crowdsourced on the C2 Wiki, circa 2004, and it's pretty cool to see it here now.

It's more like "Miranda -> Too proprietary -> Haskell".

fortran is apparently fixes machine code

It doesn't say it fixes it, it asserts that ForTran was created because people thought Assembler was too low level.

Not the same thing at all.

Erlang actually came from needs in proprietary languages like PLEX and other stuff used within Ericsson. The ideas were to have better concurrency (not parallelism) and better fault tolerance (through distribution and whatnot), properties that were thought to be too hard to do with other languages at the time.

That it has lisp influences and was implemented in Prolog first speaks of the creators of the language, not what it attempted to fix in there. And I seriously doubt that fixing lisp syntax was an objective in the language, especially given Robert Virding, one of the original 3 creators of Erlang, now has his own lisp syntax on top of the BEAM VM as LFE (Lisp Flavored Erlang).

Cool =) But who says perl has "no support for Japanese"? Don't think that's true

Very likely Perl didn't have integrated support for Japanese when this was generated. I'm not an expert, and this version was semi-crowd-sourced, so no doubt it's full of inaccuracies.

And it's just for fun.

I came here to inquire about the same thing. The shared page has been last modified 2011-07-28 but currently Perl seems to handle Japanese fine, either via the Encode module (core) or alternatively Unicode::Japanese on CPAN.

Regardless, I'd be interested in knowing of any problems people have had with handling Japanese.

I just stuck the page up as a place-holder for the graph that was played with in 2003/2004.

I'll go change it again to help try to make that clear.

Years back Perl mustn't have had functioning unicode, because I recall programmers working with Japanese text having to use JPerl, a funkily patched version, instead.

People who don't understand unicode ;)

Colin, would a reasonable implicit assumption be that if the problem being solved isn't a problem for me, then I should stick with the language in question?

I mean, for e.g., if I don't care that Python's not OO enough, I don't need to know Ruby, right? Right?!

p.s: in case it's not apparent, I will be using these graphs to justify some laziness on my part :)

There might be other reasons that are more important to you. e.g. if you've been using Modula-3, its syntax might be a reason to switch to Python, but in my mind, things like the iterator protocol and NumPy are better reasons. (Also, you've been asleep under a rock for fifteen years.)

In my case, I've been surprised at how much less syntactic overhead Ruby imposes than Python (despite the explicit "end"!), and how much it matters. Compare:

    def mouse_clicked
      x = mouse_x / @cellsize
      y = mouse_y / @cellsize

      if @cells[x][y] == :empty
        set x, y, :wire
      elsif mouse_button == LEFT
        set x, y, :empty
        set x, y, :electron_head

    def mouse_clicked(self):
        x = processing.mouse_x() / self.cellsize
        y = processing.mouse_y() / self.cellsize

        if self.cells[x][y] is Empty:
            self.set(x, y, Wire)
        elif processing.mouse_button() == processing.LEFT:
            self.set(x, y, Empty)
            self.set(x, y, ElectronHead)
(Here ElectronHead and the like are assumed to be top-level empty classes in the module; the Ruby equivalent is a Lisp-style atom that doesn't need to be declared.)

To me, the Ruby version has a much higher signal-to-noise ratio.

Another thing: JRuby seems to be a lot more mainstream among Rubyists than Jython is among Pythonistas, which I think means it's a bit more solid.

Hi there...experienced ruby guy here who is doing python work at the moment. The nice thing I find about python, even in its verbosity relative to ruby, is that I always for the most part know what it's doing. With ruby, the impulse to overload operators and create dsls mean that I have to learn a new language (potentially) with every new project or library I choose to use. It's not immediately clear what code is really doing. With python, it usually is. Just my (quick) two cents.

Yes, I think the verbosity I'm complaining about above is the fruit of three of the principles of the Zen of Python:

Explicit is better than implicit.

Errors should never pass silently.

Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

Maybe after I spend more time with Ruby, I'll see the dark side of DSLs, but so far I'm loving it :)

You probably will, if you're anything like me. However, at the end of the day, I find the "require" statement in ruby to be the truly most irritating feature. You simply don't get much control over what is slurped into your code. Python's import statement is so refreshing in comparison. I feel more in control in python, and I say this as someone who really likes ruby.

I don't understand this code. In the Ruby example, mouse_x() appears to be a method on the current object, in the Python one it's a method on some other object (a module named "processing"?). Since the code examples are the same, I'd say whichever language I'm wrong about is the less clear one.

Yes. I don't have a Python version of Processing, so I thought about how the Processing API would best be exposed in Python — and it would probably be by calling functions exported by a module named "processing", rather than by inheriting your class from processing.App. So you're right about both languages.

You could use:

  from processing import ...

I don't understand why you think the Ruby code has better SNR. The python code is two lines shorter. In python, you have to type the (), but that's not really "noise". I do hat the : at the end of python control statements. I always forget them, and it seems like the parser could do it's job just as well without them.

> I don't understand why you think the Ruby code has better SNR.

Because they say the same thing, but the Python code is much longer, if you count tokens instead of lines. It has about 28-30 more tokens than the Ruby code does, about three per line. Those tokens don't convey any information. They're just redundancy, i.e. noise. And there are a lot of them; these redundant tokens are something like a third of the code.

Now, redundancy can be useful (see e.g. http://www.paulgraham.com/redund.html) but it is costly, so you should keep it to the minimum that achieves what you want the redundancy to achieve.

Haskell removes not only the () that Ruby does, but also the commas. It also uses a simple precedence trick to remove almost all () in general (not just for functional calls).

I wanted to translate the code to Haskell directly, but the idioms don't map that well (self.cellSize would becomes something else entirely, and the comparison would not be fair).

I'm curious what it would look like.

I'm curious if you would still think of token count as a useful metric if the Ruby version turns out to be twice the size of the equivalent code in J or K due to "redundant" "noise" tokens. Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.

I do think it's a useful metric, and I am often tempted by the low token count of Forth and APL dialects like J and K, but much of the APL reduction in code size comes not from token-count reduction, but from token-length reduction, which is much less praiseworthy in my book.

Here's Life in Dyalog APL, from http://dfns.dyalog.com/c_life.htm and http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1041500:

    life←{                                  ⍝ John Conway's "Game of Life".
      ↑1 ⍵∨.^3 4=+/,¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵  ⍝ Expression for next generation.
Unfortunately, my APL is pretty rusty, and Dyalog has added some major extensions to the language, so I'm not quite sure what that means, in particular the juxtaposition of 1 and ⍵ toward the beginning. I think it parses as

        vertically_rolled = outerproduct(⌽, [-1, 0, 1], ⊂(⍵))
        horizontally_rolled = outerproduct(⊖, [-1, 0, 1], vertically_rolled)
        neighbor_counts = sum(ravel(horizontally_rolled))
        ↑(⍵(1, innerproduct(and, or, ⍵,
                            [3, 4] == neighbor_counts)))
but I'm not even sure of that.

The Life rule (which is pretty optimal for being expressed in APL, given its array orientation) is slightly simpler than the Wireworld rule:

      def run_wireworld_rule
        old_cells = @cells
        @cells = fresh_cells

        each_coord do |x,y|
          # This could be optimized somewhat by only recalculating
          # the neighbors of dirty cells.
          case old_cells[x][y]
          when :electron_head
            set x, y, :electron_tail
          when :electron_tail
            set x, y, :wire
          when :empty
            # do nothing; fresh_cells are all :empty
          when :wire
            case electron_head_count old_cells, x, y
            when 1, 2
              set x, y, :electron_head
              # Don’t call `set` in this case so as not to mark 
              # the cell dirty for redrawing.
              @cells[x][y] = :wire

      # This could perhaps be optimized somewhat with a sum table.
      def electron_head_count(cells, base_x, base_y)
        count = 0
        ([0, base_x-1].max..[base_x+1, @nx-1].min).each do |x|
          ([0, base_y-1].max..[base_y+1, @ny-1].min).each do |y|
            count += 1 if cells[x][y] == :electron_head
        return count

      def each_coord
        (0..@nx-1).each do |x|
          (0..@ny-1).each do |y|
            yield x, y
The APL people claim that their programs are more readable because they're shorter, but I'm not sure how much I believe their claim. It's certainly true that other kinds of mathematical notation benefit enormously from brevity and consistency that permits mechanical manipulation, and I don't see why algorithms should be different, but empirically I have a lot less trouble with Ruby or Python (or even C) than with plain-English descriptions of mathematical equations.

    from processing import LEFT, mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_button
Now you don't have to prefix things with `processing` just like you don't in your Ruby version.

If the program used them in several places, that would be an improvement, but it doesn't. It's maybe a little bit atypical, but nearly all of the things it calls from Processing, it calls in exactly one site: the above, plus color_mode, no_stroke, smooth, background, and rect.

It does call fill from four call sites, but that was because there's no reasonable way to return a list of four arguments from a method in Ruby, as far as I can tell.

> way to return a list of four arguments from a method

p, q, r, s = * method_that_returns_array_of_4_things

* aka "splat operator"

That's great, thanks! And that works for method calls too. So now I can replace set_color_from @cells[x][y] with fill *color_from(@cells[x][y]), reducing the number of side-effecting methods by one, and now I'm calling every Processing function in at most one place.

Not only is it arbitrary, it could be cool if it was realistic. But "Not pure -> ML" ? Seriously ?

It should be Turing machines -> Too awkward for modeling programming -> Lisp Lambda calculus -> No typing -> ML -> Not pure -> Haskell ML -> no objects/modules -> Ocaml

Python is "notenough OO" and leads to Ruby?

I smell a troll under the bridge.

Around 1995, when Ruby was created, Python was "notenough OO".

Err, I thought Perl led to Ruby. The name being a play on gems after all. I think you're right. Either that or its just for fun.

PHP gets no love.

Where would it be in the chart? coming off of C or C++?

"Off the chart" is a pretty good description of PHP.

(sorry, couldn't resist :-) )

When the people who "designed" PHP did so, why did they think no existing language would do the trick? What was the problem with all the existing languages?

What problem were they trying to fix?

  Everything -> not bundled -> PHP
  Perl -> too weird -> PHP
It's hard to explain to a novice that in Perl 4/5, $x[42] dereferences @x, not $x (which are completely separate, except when they're not, due to *x). And PHP has a much more typical object system. I think we agree that most all of PHP's distinctive and non-mainstream design decisions have been bad ones, though.

> It's hard to explain to a novice that in Perl 4/5, $x[42] dereferences @x, not $x (which are completely separate, except when they're not because of (star)x).

(I don't know how to protect the star from starting an emphasise block. Escaping it doesn't seem to work.)

Sorry to nit-pick, but these may be particularly hard to explain because they're not true.

$x[42] isn't a de-reference at all, but an indexing. (Granted, it's more than a little confusing that it's indexing @x. This is 'fixed' in Perl 6.) $x->[42] is a de-reference, but of $x, not of @x (which isn't a reference anyway (I think unlike in Ruby)). @x and $x are always completely separate; typeglobs allow you to say something like (star)x = \@y, whereupon @x and @y are the same (but still $x and @x are completely different). I suppose you could claim that $x and @x are no longer completely different if you say something like $x = \@x, whereupon $x->[42] and $x[42] mean the same thing.

(On using *, the trick is not to put two in the same paragraph with words between.)

You're right, "dereference" was a poor choice of words because it means something more specific in Perl. And I think a programmer would need at least a year of experience before they could possibly understand your main paragraph, while PHP was dumbed-down enough to be approachable by amateurs.

It seems that pairs of stars is a problem, whether they're in the same paragraph or not: starts here …

… but ends here.

Yes it can be confusing to a novice how Perl sigils work. Hence Larry Wall conceded this as an issue and so one of the reasons he went for invariant sigils in Perl6.

However there is logic in the madness. Perhaps Larry Wall/linguistic logic but none the less it does work! The best explanation i've see is the comment by "Matt S Trout" on devolving-sigils blog post (http://blog.fogus.me/2009/02/26/devolving-sigils/).

Below is the key sentence from mst comment:

  Actually, perl sigils don’t denote variable type 
  – they denote conjugation 
  – $ is ‘the’, @ is ‘these’, % is ‘map of’ or so 
  – variable type is denoted via [] or {}.

Rasmus Lerfdorf (designer of PHP) did an interview where he explained PHP's origins http://www.twit.tv/floss12.

It's been a long time since I listened to the interview, but I think he created PHP to create simple websites. Wikipedia even says the original acronym was "Personal Home Page".

The problem PHP tried to fix (and largely succeeded) had very little to do with the language, and a lot to do with the deployment of products written in that language, as I understand it.

It would probably come off of C++ and Perl. It did a pretty efficient job at replacing perl on the web.

Javascript was developed to replace Java... do tell.

a. You're looking at the original, which is in PG's original essay. The second version doesn't have that link at all.

b. It's not talking about "developed to replace," it's talking about "was developed in response to a perceived problem."

>"was developed in response to a perceived problem."

It wasn't this either. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Javascript#Hi...

I'm just taking the piss anyway, the whole chart is silly. Cheers!

Your reference seems to miss the point. The question is - what was wrong with existing languages? Why was JavaScript developed instead of using an existing language?

What problem was it trying to fix?

Javascript was not created to "fix Java's 'scary syntax'"!! Java applets were self-contained features embedded in a webpage whereas javascript– argh! Why are we having this discussion!? :p

Have you not noticed that the "enhanced" version doesn't have an arrow between the two? You're still arguing about PG's original ...


Where do people think "D" should be put? What arrows with what labels?

C++ -> D "Kludge"

Java -> D "But I liked manual memory management."

I've added (something similar to) that.

also C + memory management = Go


C++ -> D "Kludge" Java -> D "Too high level" C# -> D "Not binary compatible with C"


Nothing after Erlang, does that mean its perfect :)


The line from Lisp to Ruby should go from Lisp to Perl - all the Lispy features Ruby has - as I understand it - were lifted via Perl...

I'd argue that the idea of a first-class "symbol" data type is one of Ruby's best features, and one that was directly copied from Lisp.

I think the Lispy features were more derived Smalltalk than Perl...

It's not a question of what the language was derived from, it's a question of what prompted it to be developed.

It's not where it drew it features from, or what its ancestor was, or what's it's most like. It's a question of what caused the developers to create a language, not where they got the new language's feature from.

Both Perl & Smalltalk provided lispy influences/features to Ruby. For eg. map & collect being same method (ie. aliases) - http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Array.html#M000249

Still my favorite: "A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages"


Nemerle but no F#? Seriously?

This is definitely worth a bookmark. It must've taken some considerable time to create but is of great value. I find it to be a quick reference to see how the languages differ from each other. Very nice.

I think Ada should be linked from Pascal, with (like Modula) an arrow labelled "too wimpy for systems programming", or perhaps "programming in the large".

Java (controlled by Sun) -> C# (controlled by Microsoft)


The claim is that Microsoft developed C# in response to the perceived problem that Java was controlled by Sun.

Sensible or not, seems a reasonable interpretation. 8-)

Thanks for this. I truly didn't believe learning multiple computer languages could make you a better programmer until I saw this diagram.

I found it particularly amusing that Common Lisp solved the "too many dialects" problem, being a Lisp dialect itself...

Of course it is. XKCD explained this a few weeks ago: http://xkcd.com/927/

In this case, it actually seemed to solve it. A lot of the older lisps died off as a result of CL. Scheme and Dylan were really the only survivors for a while. IIRC.

I think the real one for PL/I is "not invented by IBM" but maybe I'm too cynical.

What do you think Go fixes ?

Not invented here?

C->Go "Better syntax, please" or maybe "But I need built in support for concurrency"

Methinks it lacks "Pascal -> Need contracts -> Eiffel"

I won't add everything everyone suggests, that's just silly, but I've added that. The whole thing is intended as a bit of fun and not to be taken seriously, but I thought that was worth adding, not least because it improved the layout 8-)

Where's INTERCAL? What does _it_ fix?

  COBOL -> not funny -> INTERCAL

INTERCAL -> not funny enough -> LOLCode

CS student -> too much free time -> INTERCAL

I can't respect any chart that describes Java as an evolution and improvement of Objective-C.

I'd say Java targeted to improve on C++ by abstracting the machine, and only took some cool features from Obj-C. Which by the way came from Small Talk.

Nice graph. It would be wonderful if you could also put it in what takes what from where in addition to what fixed what.

Bullshit. Not to mean or anything. But bullshit. Most of the arrows are labelled with the author's post-hac, childish generalizations of language differences. JavaScript came from Java because of the scary syntax? No, it came from Scheme because of the scary syntax, Java's syntax was considered particularly comforting. There's no relation between Lisp and MacLisp. Lisp came from "Turing Machines"? Ruby came from Perl and Lisp (but not Scheme) and not from Smalltalk? In fact, seems like Smalltalk had no influence at all. It's a cool idea, but it forces one to trivialize language differences to a scary extent.

So, do the words "just for fun" not actually mean anything to you?

Just curious - you seem really angry about this.

Perhaps part of his point if it's "just for fun", which in the broadest interpretation could be taken as "without any basis whatsoever" then it doesn't belong in front of a crowd of people who expect logical explanations for things.

Let's be honest—some of the descendants are a bit off (Java->Javascript, anyone?), and some languages have multiple inspirations not listed.

It's an interesting idea, and perhaps the starting point of actual research, but isn't yet trustworthy or sensible enough to be taken as gospel.

> some of the descendants are a bit off (Java->Javascript, anyone?)

The page explicitly notes that this is not an inheritance / 'paternity' graph, but rather a description of the (perceived) problems with one language that another language fixes (or tries to).

I don't think there's even any implication that any one language was created in response to any other, just that it shares certain aspects, and removes certain warts.

So you agree with the diagram is stating: that JavaScript fixes Java's syntax by using the same C-like syntax?

No, the given reason for Java -> JavaScript is completely wrong. I'd understand if the reason was "Java browser applets suck", but syntax?

Have you not noticed that the link you're complaining about is in PG's original essay, and the newer version has no link between Java and JavaScript?

Yeah, actually I have noticed and was well aware of it when making my comment. The topic of this particular comment thread, however, was specifically about the first graph since the mentioned link's validity was being "defended" by saying the graph was not an "inheritance / 'paternity' graph".

In fact, I could have also mentioned myself that the link was taken off the second graph to further my case that it was just plain wrong. The only reason I did not was because I thought it was something so obvious it would not be necessary to state it.

I think your complaints are mostly fixed in the second version.

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