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Minecraft’s 'Worst' Server Was Exploited So Hard, Griefers Could See the Future (kotaku.com)
17 points by intunderflow on July 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Hi, this was me.

That article has a lot of inaccuracies, typos, and general mistakes due to it being a summary of a YouTube video.

I recommend instead looking at:

The video it is summarizing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elqAh3GWRpA

My explanation https://github.com/nerdsinspace/nocom-explanation/blob/main/...

The 2b2t wiki page about it https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/Nocom

This whole thing is amazing. It really drives home how a small info leak can be used to generate very interesting and actionable data.

I'm guessing many state level actors already have something like this for meat space, unless they are scrambling to build it now that they realize it's possible.


Pretty fun write up but the most impressive thing to me was the scale of it. What a big commitment! Was everything hosted locally or did it cost money to host it remotely?

From a technical perspective, quite cool. I’m always amazed what people can do when sufficiently motivated.

This is actually a fantastic case study of the consequences of extensive surveillance on a society. It tilts the power curve in favor of those with access to that system of knowing vs. the surveilled.

If this is not enough of a wake-up call on the dangers of big data consolidation, and info asymmetry, I don't know what is.

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