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Ask HN: If you live in a stripe unsupported country – how do you accept payments
13 points by paymentusername on July 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
I'm working on a small membership project and would like to have a simple payment option but it seems like every platform that I want to use only integrates with stripe and so I feel kind of stuck because all of the good options, eg memberful, ghost.org and the like are pretty much impossible for me to use.

At this point I have been considering opening a stripe account using a fake address in the UK and then transferring the money from there to a wise bank account. But this feels like it's veering to close to fraud for me and I'm not even sure if it would work anyway. So just curious what people from unsupported stripe countries are doing.


There's always Stripe Atlas, which would give you a US-based business Stripe account, but for solopreneurs I'd recommend Paddle or Gumroad.

Thank you so much! Gumroad is exactly what I was looking for. I didn't even bother researching them after I saw that they weren't recommend by https://opensubscriptionplatforms.com but that was silly because it's almost exactly what I wanted. I'm more than happy to take the hit of not being able to export customers fully if it means not having to jump through weird loopholes to get money in my bank account at the end of the day!

you can register llp in uk and company doing the registration can provide you uk address and physical mails on that address are scanned and sent to you via email.It would cost around 80GBP. you can than use this company to open stripe account with the legitimate company address in uk. since llp is pass through you don't owe tax on your income in uk, you still owe taxes in your home country. Upto 85kGBP you need not register for vat either, beyond that you will have to register and pay vat on your services. Which country are you residing in btw if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks for the suggestion! If I were working on something bigger this is probably the way I'd go.

It's South Africa :/

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