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The Empire State is New York State: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empire_State

Or did the article headline really mean the empire state BUILDING? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empire_State_Building

From the article:

"To put that in context - it will stand more than double the height of the Empire State building in New York City"

Lovely, downvotes. Guess we don't have too many New Yorkers in the readership here. FYI, you can't shorten the Chrysler Building to 'Chrysler' either. That's a corporation.

No, it's because you're splitting hairs when the message was obvious. They used 'height' not 'elevation', and it is common knowledge that the Empire State (Building) was once the tallest building in the world.

'building' is not optional.

Your burning karma thinks otherwise. Go find another hill to die on.

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