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This is already possible with the German ID card (nPA). It can also verify if you are over a certain age without giving out your data. You also cannot read the nPA without a PIN code. It even includes a pseudonymity function where every service you authenticate with receives a different pseudonym so tracking isn't (easily) possible.

This is not entirely correct. The eID can be read without the PIN. There is a six digit CAN (card access number) printed on the front that can be used to read the card online, but legally only for cases where an agent checks your identity instead. It's more of an easy way to copy most of the data that is printed on the card (some information such as sex, eye color, height is not digitally available to online services). It's mostly a way to prevent mistakes from copying and to check validity.

I'm a recently naturalized German citizen, could you say more about how I can use my Perso this way. It seems nobody uses the "smart" features.

So far, it seems like a "mini passport" and an enormous risk to carry around literally everything someone needs to know to rob and/or impersonate me, but yet we're legally required to do so.

Germany deliberately set up the authentication ecosystem around private actors it appears pretty much to ensure this would not ever happen. I use my Estonian ID to sign certs from time to time, but my kid has never even bothered to open the envelope with the codes (PUK etc) for his German Ausweis.

You’re not legally require to carry your ID around, only to have an ID. You can leave it at home without worry, although there may be situations where that is inconvenient.

As to how to use the smart features: not knowing how to use them is really what makes you German. Welcome onboard!

Adoption of the online ID function has been incredibly slow. I haven't had a need for it yet. Some online banks allow you to open an account using it. You can also file taxes with it. Most applications require a NFC reader of some kind. But there is also an official app for iOS and Android which can be used to read the ID with your smartphone.

There is an online portal where you can read more about it:


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