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Do you have a source for this? I'm curious to see a chart of "centralization of standardized documentation" by country to validate your claims.

Source for what, it's so common knowledge that you should list countries that don't do centralized id besides USA in the developed world. Search for voting id laws is probably a good start.


These are from 2019,but the documents have always existed. And each country is using this guideline for their countries.

having a givernment issued ID neither means all data is being stored, nor that itnis stored centralized.

In Germany for instance most data is held by the municipality and centralization happens slowly and centralizing pictures is only a recent proposal.

Because it's not necessary. Since 2017 police and secret agencies can access all photos 24/7 per web access.

The centralization proposal the person you are replying to was done because that API access you are talking about apparently hasn't been implemented in a wide spread manner. So now each Bundesland can create their own database.


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