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Substack isn’t for journalism. It’s for opinion articles. I think it’s an awesome platform and I’m glad it exists. But it’s not journalism imho.

I'm not too familiar with Substack aside from reading a couple "columns" (can't think of a better noun) from there but is there any reason why it wouldn't be a useful platform for journalism, aside from it being so associated with opinion pieces?

> I'm not too familiar with Substack aside from reading a couple "columns" (can't think of a better noun) from there but is there any reason why it wouldn't be a useful platform for journalism, aside from it being so associated with opinion pieces?

Compared to opinionating, actual journalism is more expensive, is more specialized, takes more time, and often elicits less of the strong emotional reactions that drive "engagement."

what does any of that have to do with whether or not finished journalism goes onto the web via Substack?

> what does any of that have to do with whether or not finished journalism goes onto the web via Substack?

Because who's going to pay a monthly subscription to an individual for an unwritten scoop that will take months to investigate and may not pan out?

All an opinionator needs is a keyboard and some input to have an opinion on, so they can pump out that kind of entertainment day after day.

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