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I was a programmer many years before I went to engineering school. The problem is, you don't know what you don't know until you break that barrier.

> The problem is, you don't know what you don't know until you break that barrier.

How does that follow?

There's two barriers. Knowing enough to look up the details, and knowing enough to vomit it on a whiteboard.

Now the latter is much more impressive, but the improvement in useful output for even the highest tiers of devs is marginal in my experience.

After all, what the average CS grade knows after 4 years isn't theoretical physics or PhD level CS something. It's not unknowns unknowns all the way down that you need years of study to get to the surface of what is unknown.

The same can be said about the "making it far enough to be an L6 at a well known tech company" barrier. Actually, I believe this is a better qualification in terms of capacity, since it's more selective.

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