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Bursting the bubble: how gum lost its cool (economist.com)
33 points by imartin2k on July 29, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

> Chewing on plastic, or popping it all over your face, doesn’t appeal to youngsters

I didn't realize that chewing gum was made of plastic. It seems I've been successfully hoodwinked by the manufacturers who refer to it as "gum base" on the ingredients list.

One of the classics [0], (how bubble gum stops hydraulic oil leaks. It's gross, actually.) It's quite useful to keep 'em handy home.

TLDR; butylene rubber, nitrile

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1RYVSmuOmc

It is latex; sap from the rubber tree.

This is disgusting. I naturally assumed gum base was chicle.

What makes it disgusting? I'm happy that synthetic polymers are used instead of farmed polymers from the Amazons, with all the hazards for the environment that entails.

Chicle-producing trees are most commonly found in Central America, not the Amazon forest.

I love gum, I consider it my super weapon during talks or interviews: it really reduces my anxiety for some reason (and it prevents dry mouth). Some may consider it a bit rude, but I find it an okay price to pay for how much more composed I tend to be in uncomfortable situations.

With that, I started chewing mastic gum recently, and I really love it: I can chew it for seemingly forever without it wearing out, and it really gives my jaw a workout.

My eldest is very emotional, even by five-year-old standards. She has difficulty dealing with even slightly stressful situations.

I remembered a focus group I helped conduct, where gum chewers talked about its stress relieving properties. I taught her to chew gum when she's having a hard time and it worked. She'll get really upset and disappear into her room, coming out a few minutes later with gum in her mouth and a smile on her face.

When I went to school we were told gum and chewing helps with blood flow & concentration.

What is a good replacement for when you just want to chew on something while working?

I can think of tooth picks or pieces of grass like in old movies but I imagine they have their own problems

Did people just stop chewing or is there a modern replacement?

Could always chew tobacco. Bonus points for it being plant based! There couldn't be anything wrong with that!

(Please don't...)

Oh no.

The sugar industry has been having success with the "it's all natural, therefore better than artificial sweetener" angle. That was bad enough.

You're right, though. The tobacco industry could try this one too. I hope there isn't enough overlap between potential tobacco chewers and people who go for the "natural => good" line of thinking.

Manitou have had great success with the green and natural angle to tobacco selling.

Why stop if you enjoy it? There is also organic gum that's not made from plastic if that's your concern.

There is a wonderful episode of DarkHorse Podcast with Michael Mew explaining how gum can help developing otherwise-degrading-due-to-soft-food chewing muscles and to avoiding the need for braces ultimately.

FWIW Michael Mew is considered a crank in dentistry so take everything you hear from him with a grain of salt.

edit: nytimes piece on him and his father https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24246577

The NYTimes article (and thus the HN thread) gets distracted by the Incel connection, but the reporter ends up agreeing with Mew:

But in the weeks that followed, I experienced a swift, overwhelming change in vision — the kind the Mews’ patients and viewers described undergoing. Suddenly, all around me, people with tiny jaws appeared, their chins merging with their necks, their lips hanging open unconsciously as they read a book in a cafe or stared out the window on the bus. Long faces, tired eyes, crooked smiles. It began to feel as if the Mews might be right on this single but essential point, if on nothing else.

I had heard of Mew through the 2018 book "Jaws", which I recommend (I never heard of the incel thing before this article, and it seems irrelevant). Other orthodontists and anthropologists agree with him -- our jaws are in fact weak and underdeveloped compared to pre-agricultural humans, and animals like wolves and dogs (why do you think dogs need chew toys?). This is one reason I eat more whole foods (and believe in particular that children should be). I never tried chewing gum for it, but the mechanism is pretty obvious. It may or may not help a lot but will probably do something.

I experienced the same thing as the NYTimes reporter. Once you start learning about this area, you can spot people in public with underdeveloped jaws and breathing problems. If you look at a class of 20 kids you can also see it on several of them. You can read their diet off their faces! Good dentists and orthodontists do this very easily so it's not an amazing thing, just something that's there once you know what to look for and pay attention.

Why do you want a replacement? You can still easily buy chewing gum. Just because it’s “not cool anymore” doesn’t mean it’s now useless.

Stop by a toy store and watch the children beg to be purchashed the new button pop up fidget toys.

Chewing gum has a variety of documented benefits.

What are the consequences of swallowing gum?

The consequence is that you poop gum. It doesn't stay in your stomach for a hojillion years, despite what the Old Wives™ say.

When I was a young lad, I would always chew gum when going out at night so A. my breath would be fresh and B. the ladies could see my healthy teeth (and then hopefully make assumptions about other healthy parts).

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