I am working on a LEGO sorter project, and getting access to labeled data to train my neural network is a real pain. Would love to see if your dataset could be of use!
new idea for a lego app: Dump all your legos on the floor, take a video / photos of the pile. (nicely spread around). App should create a complete inventory of all your bricks. From there, generate list of sets which can be built, etc...
It's extraordinary how bad this website is. If I hadn't seen the twitter video showing what it actually did, I would have no idea just based on this page. The video alone could be the entire website and it would be better than this.
It renders virtual legos stacks in a pybullet environment and generate synthetic data ready to be played with neural networks blocks.
I have compiled a pybullet ready ~14000 Lego bricks dataset that may be useful to you.
Pybullet in non-GUI can handle ~3000 simultaneous bricks.