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Yeah, we've had more problems, than I'd like. (I'd say we get great load times 80% of the time. the rest of the time it can be a little slow.) We're currently with Dreamhost, eying Media Temple.

Media Temple Grid Server had uncomfortably high latency for me. Really terrible latency, in fact.

Go VPS and never look back: Slicehost.com (best service/documentation/been on the same virtualization architecture longer than linode) or linode.com (also very highly recommended and slightly cheaper than slicehost)

Dreamhost? Really?

Maybe its because the site is so simple, but I would find it hard to believe ANY successful startup could be ran on shared hosting, never mind Dreamhost.

But a nice performance boost from shared hosting would be a 256 VPS from Slicehost ($20/mo), then you can scale up to more ram/CPU as you need it... :)

We use Mediatemple and they are great. If you want a contact, email me at shafqat at newscred.com and I can put you in touch with someone to get a discount.

(I have no affiliation with them, nor do I make any money - they've simply been good to us)

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