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Vespucci – OpenStreetMap Editor for Android (vespucci.io)
60 points by pwg on June 18, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I might have missed it, but what is the license?

I have the project of building a large user generated map for African countries, using photos and osm,

Adding some needed features like weather based road conditions, and road state and type.

Good job for the release!

> The Vespucci application, excluding the GPLv3-only preset icons found in the folder assets/images/presets, is licensed under the Apache License, version 2. You can find the full text of the license in the file "LICENSE-Apache.txt". The Apache License version 2 allows to use the covered work in a GPLv3 work.

> The full project contains a small number of icons taken from the JOSM project under the GPLv3. Therefore, the full package, consisting of Vespucci and the bundled preset icons, is licensed under the GPLv3. You can find the full text of the GPLv3 in the file "LICENSE-GPL3.txt". The list of contributors and sources for the icons can be found in the "josm-contributors.txt" file.



Check out https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete it's quite easy. Works like a game. User needs just an openstreetmap account.

Agree. Vespucci is way too complex for beginner and even intermediate users. Partly because OSM is just complex, partly because the ui is made for veterans

How do you make this app load map tiles? I can't see big chunks of my city and just get blank yellow blocks (there is plenty of OSM data here). Zooming in sort of works, but it loads finer detail tiles that don't display when you zoom out.

You need to press the "Up/Down arrow" button on the bottom (for me it is the 3rd from the right) and then press "Download current view".

Took me a while to figure that out as well.

For large cities I recommend only downloading small areas as the UI gets a bit laggy with a large number of things in view

I tried that, but it seems to be for downloading editable things to edit, and I can only do it for small sections at a time. I just mean seeing the streets and things, some of which load automatically as you move and zoom, and some of which don't.

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