It appears that Pinax (the Django social network, development has slowed since the inception of Gondor. Both are developed by Eldarion.
Is it true that Pinax has taken the back burner so that Eldarion can focus on Gondor?
(Not to get off topic, but first a couple of corrections: 1. Pinax is not specifically about social networks; it is used as the basis of all sorts of sites, very few of which are social networks; 2. While Pinax uses many contributions from Eldarion and the most active core developers of Pinax do work at Eldarion, the core work on Pinax is done in those developers' spare time; Pinax isn't an Eldarion project per se)
Gondor is one of many things that Eldarion is currently spending its time on; we're building many sites for clients as well as working on our own sites. Gondor came out of tools and infrastructure we built for our clients and our own sites. Much of the work on clients sites and our own sites is resulting in apps (see and that are being incorporated into Pinax. So there is a decent amount of progress being made in new apps for Pinax.
That said, Pinax core development has definitely slowed down, but that's not really anything to do with Gondor, specifically. It's more that after a long day building sites (and open source Django apps) we don't have as much energy in our spare time to work on the core of Pinax itself. We're also going through a big clean up to get us closer to 1.0 (via a 0.9 release) and that means a lot of tedious work that really has to be done by the core team. Once that's done, I'm really hoping it will be a lot easier for the community to contribute more and not make Pinax progress so dependent on so few.
Can you let us know (either via or the #gondor channel on freenode) what problems you encountered? For some people, things go very smoothly out of the box; others hit assumptions we made that don't always apply (or aren't well documented yet, etc). Please help us fix the latter case.
Is it true that Pinax has taken the back burner so that Eldarion can focus on Gondor?