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Six Common Ways People Justify Unethical Behavior (psychologytoday.com)
29 points by paulpauper on May 14, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Unethical according to who? As the top comment at the time I'm writing this mentions, this article is garbage.

Pile of trash like most of psychology today.

It just interleaves some obvious things with pure conjecture.

The "wiping away their sins" inferred by offering them a pencil or a cleansing wipe was just icing on the cake.

Missing “if I don’t do it somebody else would”.

Agreed. By extension, "Other people do it (or something perceived as similar to it) all the time."

A certain ex-president was famous for "many people are saying..." which is justification through presumed inevitability.

surprised that sense of entitlement is not listed. some people think that dishonesty can rectify a perceived wrong of imbalance

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