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Investigate the Origins of Covid-19 (science.sciencemag.org)
34 points by throwkeep on May 13, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This extensive reddit post [0] was interesting, by a high risk biocontainment virus Phd person, documenting the reasons he was sure covid-19 was not created by, or accidentally released from, the Wuhan lab [0].

Question #4 in the table of contents for this reddit post directly addresses the accidental release scenario talked about in the article. He summarized his answer as follows:

- The WIV, and Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi’s lab group, are extremely well-respected in the virology community. As well respected as many US scientists.

- All the WIV’s sampling of bats and the genomes that they find in bats are publicly available information. Why isn’t SARS-CoV-2 on any of those lists? We would know.

- Dr. Shi's group also sends parallel samples to other labs. Why wouldn't those labs have had SARS-CoV-2 if Shi's lab had it? Because they didn't

- This doesn’t look anything like any laboratory accident that we’ve seen before.

- The evidence we have points to Patient Zero being nowhere near the City of Wuhan.

There's a lot of detail and follow-up conversation. It's the best source of info I've seen so far on questions around the Wuhan lab.

[0] https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/gk6y95/covid19_did...

> The evidence we have points to Patient Zero being nowhere near the City of Wuhan.

I've heard this a number of times, but where is the evidence? Where does it point to Patient Zero being (from)?

From the reddit post I link to, table of contents, Q4, subitem 4.4, in summary:

> We also know that the overall genetic diversity of the above cases cannot be explained exclusively by looking at the cases from the Hunan market. In other words, the viruses that scientists have identified from the Hunan market are not the parents of all other viruses identified since

> The most logical explanation is that the virus crossed over from nature into humans in the countryside of Hubei province much earlier than any of the Wuhan cases.

> It probably happened somewhere in the countryside, far before the virus made it to Wuhan, and far before it made it to Wuhan’s wet markets, and unrelated to the lab.

Here's a direct link to that section [0], with lots of details and footnoted references. This is much better presented and more comprehensive evidence than I've seen anywhere else on the source of this virus.

[0] https://old.reddit.com/r/science/comments/gk6y95/covid19_did...

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