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Facebook Wi-Fi (facebook.com)
30 points by gcatalfamo on May 13, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

I thought there couldn’t be anything worse than airport wifi, but there it is.

this is parody right, this has to be parody? I can't tell if it's an april fools or not.

no way facebook can be this tone deaf enough for this, just when you thought they couldn't go towards the nadir of desperation to continue to keep ruining their reputation.

do they even care?

I guess Facebook won't ever be able to recover from it's image, not until Zuck resigns or they really start loosing money. Before that - they just gonna come up with worse and worse ways to gather data.

Also, who cares about public WiFi these days? Even when travelling it become such a tiny cost it's basically penny pinching (or malicious use). Also - in my experience it tends to be something like 5-10x slower than 4G.

> Also, who cares about public WiFi these days? Even when travelling it become such a tiny cost it's basically penny pinching

If you work in SV and have SV salary then probably. But for someone living in low-cost low-salary place and travailing to more expensive country for a vocation cost of 4G data can be non-negligible. Also data roaming for many operators is just prohibitive expensive, so first you need to buy a local SIM or some travel-friendly SIM. And during a layover in some 3rd country, public WiFi can be the only option even if you'll use 4G when you'll arrive.

Yeah layover is one case where you might still have to connect somewhere. It's amazing some airports still don't guarantee this basic infrastructure.

That said I don't earn SV salary, but still paying $5 a day for daily roaming is OK for the utility you get. Of course there's tons of places where same would buy something like 20gb for a whole month so definitely utilise that. Finally if you're in EU then you sort of get it for "free" - it's really included in your plan, but it's still cheap.

All I'm saying it's not like 10 years ago where you'd actively have to look for wifi network to get you basic life together.

Here's the thing, though: You, me, and most of those working in this industry know how this sausage is made thus will avoid it at all costs. The few billion others don't and won't. Facebook, Google, etc. know this.

Where I live in the countryside most rural pubs and restaurants have thick walls that completely block mobile service so public wireless is used constantly.

Having set this up for a few clients, it's basically just a captive portal that asks you to "Check in" to the location to get online, there's a button to skip if you so desire.

Helps boost social media interaction, it doesn't pump your network traffic through FB or anything. For most people Facebook is the Internet and they're more than happy to do this.

Millions of people search for wi-fi on facebook? Wtf?

I dont have facebook but how I wish they'd do that for power plugs :D So annoying to roam the streets cafe by cafe asking like an autist if they have free electricity :D

So I d understand someone without 5G (5G changed my impression of the internet here in China - it s just never gonna be a problem anymore to access it at 100Mbs/s+) would also enjoy having some sort of easier time finding a hot spot. Students or people who cant afford 5G

I'd like to respectfully point out that making jokes about "autists" is ableist behavior.

Ableism is discrimination.

With that said I want to try to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you weren't meaning to be hurtful in that joke.

But please do try to educate yourself about this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ableism

> asking like an autist


This just feels gross.

As an individual, this is why I carry my unlimited hotspot with me everywhere.

Facebook may be big, but they won't be forever. IBM, Microsoft, AOL.

If I was at a coffee shop and saw they were using this I would leave the coffee shop, go to a bar, and reflect on the dark world that we have come to inhabit


No FN way I would ever use that. FB abuses tracking in every instance - to literally pipe all your online activity natively through FB with something like this is a fools folly.

Yeah! Even more tracking!

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