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The ability to upload illegal content to the web long predates "Web 2.0"

Back in the day few people had the capacity to Broadcast.

Even on a college campus with a decent network, you ran the risk of getting kicked off if you misused the Broadcast address. Why? Cause there were software and hardware limitations that would bring down or cripple the network.

All that has been overcome. And now everyone on the planet can broadcast 24x7 almost for free.

This is the big issue.

If every neuron in the brain had Broadcast capability how would such a brain work?

Some food for thought - https://www.edge.org/response-detail/10464

how about ability to post anything on almost any website?

forums, social medias, meme sites, youtube, comment sections everywhere, hn or its brother reddit, etc...

It's never been possible to post anything onto almost any website. It's always been possible to post anything to any website that allows user uploaded content, and it's always been necessary for moderators to moderate that content.

"Web 2.0" changed nothing in that regard except making asynchronous requests possible with AJAX, allowing sites to become more complex and allow for realtime updating. But yeah, people have been posting gore, porn and CP everywhere since the dark ages.

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