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If anybody from the project is reading this, could you tell me where I should send the application, entrance form, fee or even straight up bribes to get my brain and this technology smushed together please?

I'm quadriplegic and since lockdown began last March I've not left this bed once. That's not hyperbole, I literally mean that I haven't left the spot in this bed I'm in right now, writing this comment to you all.

So Yeah, connecting with the world like this is something I need to be a part of. I really don't have words to describe how life changing this would be.

Francis Willett is the lead author on the paper. Here’s his contact info: https://profiles.stanford.edu/francis-willett

That's not cool man. Hope you have a good quality bed at least. I can just imagine what an impact this would have on your life. As you said, no words can describe but I feel you man.

What are you using to type now?

Eye trackers are used as well for those who unfortunately cannot move anything but their eyes. That's the case in very bad/late ALS cases. This technology might really be life changing for the very advanced cases of ALS - they often lose the ability to vertically move their eyes, which makes it very very difficult to work with eye trackers.

Really hope they'll make something like this available to the public.

Depending on if they can move their neck much they might have a forehead dot to track movement for a mouse cursor and a tongue/lip device for clicking. Then it's just onscreen keyboards. Other devices I've heard of are cheek movement or even eye tracking.

In addition to the options other commenters have mentioned, it is possible to fully control a computer with dictation, although it can be very arduous.

The term quadriplegia does not always refer to 100% paralysis, and some have limited use of their hands.

Likely a hired personal care assistant.

You might ask if you can test out this one - no surgery required.


Hope they get back to you. I am optimistic technologies like these will become widely available soon!

The lead author of the paper: fwillett@stanford.edu

This sounds like the cheesy background story of a supervillain story if I ever heard one.

Best of luck to you

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