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It would be interesting to see how people compare in speed, assuming that the technology itself is not a bottleneck.

We could directly measure how fast a child thinks, or a CEO vs. a homeless.

Eventually we would be able to pinpoint mental problems by measuring the time it takes to think about a certain topic, check if the mind "locks up" for a couple of seconds on a seemingly unrelated topic which got triggered by the context the mind was thinking about. We could pinpoint the unrelated topic and have a base for a psychotherapy which could be more accurate than by just talking around in order to get to know the patient.

Let's say a group of 10 have to think out the ordering process at a Starbucks where every step has been provided by a list. An average of 20 seconds is used to do this +- 5 seconds. If there is an outlier, one could start to dig deeper into what exactly is making the mind to wander off. Multiple tests in different scenarios could then decide if the outlier is a slow thinker in general, or if it is a certain thing which triggers this wandering off.

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