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You get better over time if you intentionally practice improvement. If you don't, 60-70wpm is a common threshold.

My gut feeling is that this is simply the speed range where the benefits of faster typing during composing quickly fall off. If you're thinking about what to say, you'll write a burst, think, write, think, change a bit, write some more- the limiting factor isn't really WPM.

Transcribing, of course, is another matter, but that is a specialized case.

Online chatting, too. My typing speed increased dramatically when I started having conversations online.

Yes, you might be on something here. Tried to reflect back on it after reading your comment, and I think I "feel" content with my current writing speed.

Will try to feel less satisfied with my writing speed, and see if it will help. Thank you for taking time to share!

Do you play an instrument? I have a feeling that I can type quickly (well over 100wpm) because I play the piano as well.

I play guitar, and I am certain that practicing the fine-motor sync skill of using both hands at once has helped my typing, and vice-versa.

For reference, my typing while transcribing rate is in the 100-110 range. My daily-use composition is likely half, simply because I spend most of my time composing in my head.

I will say that the big advantage comes from being completely comfortable touch-typing, without needing to look at the keyboard. Once you've achieved that, the mental load of typing fades in to the background, and you can spend more time considering content instead of the mechanics of creating it.

> You get better over time if you intentionally practice improvement.

Are there more effective techniques than just typing? I mean like measured techniques for identifying and improving problematic aspects of typing rather than just going at it repeatedly in the hopes that I'll improve overall?

Yes. Feedback from a professional typist, who watches and corrects your form as you type. When I was younger, my father had a secretary who helped me practice on an IBM Selectric, and it helped a tremendous amount compared to the time investment.

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