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I have been over 100wpm (on qwerty) since a teenager, and I'm in my late 30s now, so unfortunately no. (My scores are routinely 115-125 these days.)

This makes me suspect it might be like instrument playing. A lot easier to learn while young. I'm 29 right now and I've started practicing around 23-24. A bit too late for this kind of muscle memory I guess.

Thank you for sharing, was useful to compare!

Plato said the prime of life doesn't even start until you're 25 and Schopenhauer said something similar (can't recall his exact number). You can still learn and grow a lot way later into life than most people think. If you really care, just try different techniques, measure/test yourself, and continue the cycle. If you can't find the motivation, maybe it's just actually not that important to you, and deep down you have greater interest in other things than learning how to type fast.

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