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Yes, neural implants are invasive, dangerous, prone to side effects, and undesirable. It's just the first, and currently the only way to get the signal.

Ideally, future generations will use a non-invasive sensor.

If you can invent one with high enough resolution, you will change the world. But first, or simultaneously, the other components of the system will have to be invented.

TFA is about decoding the ill-gotten signal. It's an impressive sign that our information processing technologies, and neuroanatomical understanding are already at the point where the system is viable.

If you could complete development of the non-invasive smart hat by this time next year, the world will be a different place by 2025.

Neural implants ideally would be non invasive, with high spatial resolution and fast frequency/temporal resolution. The reality is that you can only choose two of these three. I don’t see non invasive options being feasible with current technology. There is some good research into more biocompatible invasive options, but problems can take years to be found.

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