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Yes... though if one uses tabs, bulleted lists and the standard formatting; then it all works out well.

When tabs and spaces are mixed to try to align a non-monospace font, or right justification is done without using the proper tabstop - then it gets ugly and the formatting becomes less consistent.

However, I'll give a pass to that unless it is really clear that they didn't put any care into the formatting.

And yet, its things like bolding every instance of the word "Java" (I had one where Java in JavaScript was bolded, but not the Script). Or having "JavaScript", "Java script", and "javascript" on three consecutive lines. Or having every single word that was a technology bolded, even if it was one that wasn't applicable to the job description. Or having those words instead of bolded... be blue.

I can forgive a lot in lack of familiarity with the tool - but its the deliberate choices of formatting and deliberately overlooking things that the word processor is trying to help you fix (and it is right about) that make a resume move from the "too look at" stack to the "probably don't call back" stack.

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