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> I know the school, and I don’t know the school. I’ve never known any school so far.

Either you're interviewing bottom-tier candidates or haven't paid any attention to schools that are out there. If you're in the US, you should be recognize the names of the top 25 CS schools. You might not know their rank, but there aren't any obscure names on that list, and they graduate a lot of students.

Glad to learn that graduating from an unknown university makes me a bottom tier candidate.

Thankfully my co-workers who graduated from MIT and Stanford didn't know that, or otherwise they would have thrown away my resume.

Willfully missing the point is typically a negative quality.

I was commenting that it's weird for someone screening resumes to not recognize many schools. Hypothetically, I could see you going to Harvey Mudd (great school) and a hiring manager not knowing about it. All the resumes aren't from those schools, though. You'd think a Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, CMU, Illinois resume would have passed by at some point.

When I was a hiring manager, most of the candidates I ran into came from international universities I had not heard about. Instead, I interviewed people based on the projects they had worked on.

In the other extreme I've even heard people here in HN argue that MIT and Stanford graduates are often mediocre, which is very different from my experience.

Hiring is hard and we all do it differently. YMMV.

The top 25? Why not the top 50? At that point I might as well memorize them all.

Unless you are in the top 3 the distinction is mostly academic.

Caltech is 11 in CS.

> At that point I might as well memorize them all.

Read through the list. You'll probably recognize a lot of the names. Out of 50, if you pay much attention to colleges in the US, I bet you'll recognize 40 of them.

I feel like it's hard not to recognize the majority of the top 100.

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