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Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point (or maybe this is your point), but doesn't this take effectively invalidate the entire human interviewing process? The whole thing is just a series of actions (portfolio review, phone screen, whatever) that give the reviwer(s) a set of mostly subjective data points from which they infer a candidate's fit for a particular role.

I've had plenty of recruiters that could ignore silly resume mistakes and find gem candidates. I've also hired candidates with horrible resumes, and it's never been a problem.

Evaluate a candidate based on their experience and qualifications, everything else is just to satisfy our own egos.

> I've also hired candidates with horrible resumes, and it's never been a problem.

That's as much survivorship bias as it is to hire someone based on their attention to details.

> Evaluate a candidate based on their experience and qualifications

Well, as I said I typically hire in design and product, so "proven ability to produce high-quality written content" is often an important qualification.

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