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> like “Sql” you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about

This is the kind of silly leap I'm talking about. People infer WAY too much from something like a word in a digital document and extrapolate that into something they use to impact a persons life.

I had an employee that insisted on asking candidates what they're 5 year plan, and was insistent that long-term goals were serious indicators if a candidate should be hired. She would give candidates thumbs down if she didn't like the answer, even if they could do the work.

You're taking it out of context. I'm not saying that taken along it's a strong enough negative signal to filter, but it makes me being alert and I'll drill more into these items. But there are a lot of resumes that are clearly low effort and have a bunch of these mistakes - those are in my experience always indicative of the candidates' quality.

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