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Depends on the job.

Yes, your advice is generally good for a software engineer with less than 10y experience.

For senior ML researcher, for example, you are expected to list the many things you did and know. You still are going to be filtered on arbitrary things, but HR is expecting a thicker doc.

I use a 1 page resume as an ML engineer. I have a section dedicated to keywords called "Skills". Seems to work quite well for me and I firmly believe that a longer resume would have hurt more than it would help.

I used the term "ML researcher". I'm also talking from experience and generally agree that less is better for engineering jobs.

For research jobs it is very very common to list tons of things (papers, committee positions, awards, etc.,) and when your first filter is an HR person you ARE often going to be screened by volume (stupid as that may sound).

Sure, there are exceptions, if your resume starts with "PhD from Standford, advised by Prof. Hinton" you are probably going to be OK. Otherwise, you just want to play the game that is being played in the field, which, unfortunately, does often include the volume of work a proxy for success.

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