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The unsolved mystery of Sri Lanka's 'Stargate' (bbc.com)
8 points by samizdis on May 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

It looks like it would function as a meditation target, because it has a clearly defined central point and the segmentations roughly coincide with those of human central vision. And there are stone seats carved in front of it, as if it was meant to be stared at. In Buddhist territory.

How to use one: print it out, affix to blank wall (or ceiling if you like to meditate lying down), look at the center dot without blinking or moving your eyes away from it.

After a minute or a few, your peripheral vision starts to fade and then it starts showing the contents of your central vision. Everything around you becomes replaced with a fractal of what you’re looking at. Eventually that also disappears and gives way to psychedelic visuals.

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