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96% iOS 14.5 App Tracking Opt-Out Rate (flurry.com)
14 points by occamschainsaw on May 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Historical note for the readers: Flurry is a subsidiary of Oath (Verizon Media), the online advertising conglomerate, and was at one point said to be feeding app-supplied data from 2 billion devices into the hands of the conglomerate.

Not being able to track means the ads will be less relevant on average, which will decrease the app developer's ad revenue. There is a tipping point that, if reached, will force most developers to double-dip on the freemium strategy instead of ads. Ultimately users are the ones paying the price here.

What do you mean by double-dipping on the freemium strategy?

Are you saying there will be fewer ads, and games will try harder to coerce users into paying some real money for items or levels (but something short of paying for the game outright)?

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