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I Want My Mutually Assured Destruction (theatlantic.com)
10 points by CapitalistCartr on May 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

"In class, I’ve shown students movies from the nuclear age, hoping that Gregory Peck’s stoicism about the death of the world in On the Beach or Charlton Heston’s damnation of all mankind in the final moments of The Planet of the Apes might make them understand some of the smothering fear of living in a world on the edge of instant oblivion. I make them watch The Day After and read Fail-Safe and Warday. To younger people, these films and books now seem like relics from some lost civilization, full of mysterious, apocalyptic texts and angry cinematic gods."

He should have shown them Threads.

Threads was terrific. Threads needs to he remade.

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