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Finnish pendolinos have been running with the tilting mechanism permanently off for felt 10 years.

Well, the info says digital tilting hydraulics was tested 2013-2015 without faults and VR decided to install it on all trains. Couldn't find newer info.

I might have been wrong that the tilting mechanism has been completely disabled. A web search turned out only that it has been limited: https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-7047961

And a press release by the railway company from 2011 says that the higher speed enabled by the tilting is no longer reflected in the timetables https://www.vrgroup.fi/fi/vrgroup/uutishuone/uutiset-ja-tied... I would say that has not changed afterwards.

Either way, travelling slower through the curves has stopped the wobbly feeling for the passengers. So in practice the tilting has been a dead end in real life for the Finnish railways. Even if I did not really follow the argumentation in the article why tilting is a dead end.

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