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> ETA prediction

I think we are undervaluing basic statistics in this realm.

> (Uber, every delivery app you use)

If you treat these apps as logistics applications, AI still has a place handling optimization problems.

> Recommendation engines

A recommendation engine is by and large about telling you what you want to hear. How's that been working out for us?

We are going to have a very hard time separating them from the divisiveness and radicalization problems with social media now. This is quite likely an intractable problem. If we don't collectively draw a breath and back away from these strategies, things are going to get very, very bad.

> Fraud detection

The vast majority of the time I spend interacting with my bank is spent explaining to them that I'm not a monster for saving my money most of the time and making a big purchase/trip every couple of years. Stop blocking my fucking card every time I'm someplace nice. Unfortunately since these services tend to be centralized, switching banks likely punishes nobody but me.

The problem (advantage?) I think with your list in general is that with the exception of text-to-X, many of these solutions fade into the background, or are things that may be carved out of 'AI' to become their own thing as other domains have in the past.

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