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liking things is an emotional response, which does not require free will.

Yes, but he doesn’t just like, he _would_ like. The word would is a past-tense form of the verb to will. Checkmate.

> The word would is a past-tense form of the verb to will. Checkmate

Here, its an modal verb modifying “like” into the subjunctive mood.

Where it is a past tense of “will” its the other “will” (the modal verb expressing future tense or habitual action), not the active verb referring to exercising will (of which the past tense is “willed”, not “would”.)

Although I've seen a usage (though I think its either actually archaic or an affected archaicism) in which the modal-active combination “would will” expressing exercise of will in the subjunctive mood reduced simply to just “would”, so “would” is sometimes used a form of the verb “to will” in the sense of “exercise will”, but, still, not in the use under discussion.

Okay. I will concede.

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