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Amazing work. Bravo.

If anyone is interested in an incredible piece of music along these lines, please do yourself a favour and check out



(you can skip buying the hardware and find the music on Spotify and similar)

LOUDNESS WARNING! Sounds like a square wave at volume level 11.

A downvote for this? It nearly blasted my ears while listening this on in-ear headphones after listening to "Chiptunes on the ATtiny4".

Oops, yeah, it is quite loud.

This is amazing - thanks for the link

EDIT > Are there any similar products to this which are procedurally generated? Is the OP procedurally generated?

1-Bit Symphony is not procedural.

Also, not quite procedural either, but the Buddha Machine might be worth having a look: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FM3#Buddha_Machine

What mcu does this use?

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