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People conveniently like to ignore the costs (time, money, social capital, etc) it requires to even put on boxing or fighting events. Or to make music or films.

It is particularly vexing for me to see all of this creative, hard work flippantly thrown aside because people suddenly become philosophers about bits and rearranging them.

If one doesn't like that people charge $$ to watch boxing fights... Then don't watch them! People are not entitled to having things for free because it's "theoretically possible to re-arrange my hard drive's bits in that exact manner".

edit; changed you->one to clarify I was speaking generally and not about the parent commenter specifically

You and I agree. But the "gatekeepers" on Hacker News believe that if something's not "hip" enough for them, it has no value and nobody should be enjoying it.

You are welcome to enjoy it but as copyright represents a substantial decrease in the liberty of society I think a shitty one round fight represents a particularly poor exemplar of why society ought to give up that liberty.

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