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This is the standard content protection mechanism on pretty much every DRM download/streaming/whatever system in the world. Each app/movie/whatever is encrypted with a per-app key (so you can stick it in a CDN). Then each device has some kind of private certificate or key. When the user buys/rents content, you send the content key encrypted with the device key. This is how pretty much every game console, streaming service, etc does it.

There are global keys, which are used for system software. iOS used to be encrypted as a whole (not any more though, but the SEP firmware and iBoot still are) and getting those keys is tricky, as they are baked into hardware and different for each generation. You can build hardware so it lets you decrypt content or subkeys with a key, but not access the key material itself; if done properly (it often isn't done properly), that can mean you can only use the devices as an oracle (decrypt anything, but only directly on-device) unless you spend a lot of time and money reverse engineering the baked-in hardware key using a scanning electron microscope.

See: https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/GID_Key

> There are global keys, which are used for system software. iOS used to be encrypted as a whole

Ah yes indeed. I remember this from my jail breaking days. Just never was aware that app packages were encrypted.

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