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This affects black students in many ways. For example, People suffer from biases as well. If you are a teacher and you mostly see black students flagged, you'll probably be biased to assume black students cheat more. It's not a rational deduction it's an artifact if the way our mind process information (hebian learning, fire together wire together)

This is just one hypothetical way it might harm black students.

You are also assuming that teachers do their job and review the video. How about some lazy teachers that don't, and decide to trust the computer? Can you really assume there is no teacher like this? If so, this software bias may very well manifest as a accusation against an innocent. If the software makes more mistakes with black students, then this innocent will probably be black. Even if after some investigation it'll be sorted out, it is rather rattling being accused of cheating. And all of this ordeal is just because you are black.

I also really dislike the culture and race war narratives coming out of the US. That given, I'm still very concerned about trusting crappy software with meaningful life altering decisions. Handling color is just how this software is crappy, it's not the real issue.

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