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Again, what?? Schools in Sweden had no special restrictions other than washing hands and desks and making sure to have recess outside. 16 is not pre-teen either. Check out this article that shows students hugging and socializing during the pandemic: https://www.thelocal.se/20201210/how-does-a-swedish-school-d...

Also you didn’t read the report: “Closing of schools had no measurable effect on the number of cases of covid- 19 among children”. They are not major vectors of transmission for COVID.

And again, you're citing a single study (and now a media piece) showing the lack of superspreader events and trying to generalize to "kids don't get covid", and that's simply wrong. Children get covid. Children spread covid. This is documented, and it happens. That SCHOOLS specifically seem not to be superspreader vectors is interesting, but not particularly informative about anything other than school policy.

As far as this odd celebration of a clearly failed national policy, just remember:


The fact that Sweden guessed right on schools and wrong on everyone else really should be guiding you to the opposite intuition here.

Lol the reason I posted a news article is because you said:

including better adherence in school environments to other mitigation strategies like mask wearing and distancing; schools are better organized and MUCH more rule-compliant than society at large!

which for Sweden is clearly not true, they didn’t even wear masks in school. And I never said kids don’t get COVID I said schools aren’t major drivers of transmission. Feel free to continue misreading what I wrote though.

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