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Wasted man years by Jira, per day (twitter.com/jensrantil)
40 points by JensRantil on April 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Jira just isn't very good software. Even if it were lightning fast, the UI is still not designed for project management - its a bug tracker. It reminds me of the joke about c++ being an octopus made by stapling extra legs onto a dog.

Jira isn't a very good bug tracker either. Doing xommon operations ends up being a handful of clicks (although this can very depending on configuration) it doesn't show history or comments clearly and adding dependencies between bugs is so painful. It also can't do things that I consider basic such as "show me my unblocked issues"

Could be worse, some people waste entire careers in BS jobs. There's a bit of BS in every job though. I guess the story here (other than being a joke) is to get project management software with a faster UI.

Yes, and one additional wish would be better UX in general; "Why do you I need to expand to show the latest comment if I sort cronologically in a ticket?", "Text edit fields differ in behaviour depending on where I am", "Links in text fields gets expanded to some hardcoded box with icons making it really hard to see the cursor.", "How do I move a ticket to and from a board other than from the 'Backlog' view?" are some things that quickly comes to mind.

The strongest arguments I hear for Jira is that "it can do everything" and "everyone else in the market are using it". Those are null arguments to me.

I just dont understand why JIRA is so slow... Something weird is going on. They are not connected to external API's that could make them slow...

Trello (although less features) is a breeze for me.

I keep hoping some company will (A) Recognize all of the good features of Jira (B) reimplement them to be faster

So far every competitor has gone straight for B and didn't spend any time on A though.

Atleast JIRA isn't confusing. Finding or adding a task in azure devops takes forever because of its cryptic UI.

Is this expressible as a JQL query?

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