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I'm guessing the CEO is involved in technical development. Nowhere does any project management, roadmapping, customer interaction, new product development, customer outreach, etc appear in the tweet about her EA's responsibilities.

I did not read this as "I only work 40% of the week thanks to my EA", I read this as "A CEO can get inundated with the machinations of running a company, so much so that the vision and direction-making is lost". So, they outsourced the machinations to focus on vision and direction. That's _fine_. C-suite folks always have legions of assistants, just they are sometimes called Vice-somethings.

And separating "work that can be done by anyone with a little training" from "Work that can only be done by me or an expert" is a great thing to focus on for management. It allows a business to get the right people for the right things. This even has a name: Business Abstraction Layer (https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2006/04/11/the-development-ab... ).

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