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McCullough recently testified before the Texas state senate: https://youtu.be/QAHi3lX3oGM

He argued that drugs can and do significantly reduce hospitalization. He also claimed that literally nobody was stuffing drugs to reduce hospitalization, which is a strong claim but alarming if true.

His narrative is a bit cartoonish. He complains that communication was silenced starting in May 2020 and is testifying there because of a paper published in August 2020 in one of the most prominent journals in the US. An alternative explanation about the lack of ambulatory care is that most protocols don't really move the needle...

I also don't understand why he thinks the vaccine doesn't make sense for people under 50 (he says there is no scientific rationale for it). I'm in my early 40s and have a chance of dying of greater than 1/10,000 if I get infected. The vaccines cost very little and carry much less risk than that!

Indeed, this is why I wanted to get some feedback. It definitely seemed exaggerated and I'm not sure what his point was supposed to be by the end of it.

I also found it odd that somehow his practice was seeing incredible results with drug combinations in keeping people out of hospitals, but somehow this effect wasn't noticed by any other medical professionals or researchers anywhere else in the world. Are combination protocols really that under-studied?

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