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That is just speculation I'm afraid. There is much evidence that newer variants are more contagious, more virulent, and affect younger people more severely. Brazil's experience is instructive.

Thankfully the fantastic results of the mRNA vaccines mean that we should be able to suppress Covid down to the levels of measles, if not eradicate it like smallpox.

But it looks like none of those variants are going to be able to evade T-cells generated by existing vaccines or previous strains, thats my point.

The studies seem to suggest the existing antibodies produced by some vaccine are not effextive against some strains, is there any evidence T-cells will do better given the variant looks like a completely new virus to the immune system?

Yes, lots of evidence. Look at my comment above.

Ok, I saw your twitter links, I just took the SA study regarding prior infection or AZ vaccination as a contrary proof, perhaps the fact that they didn't include any severe cases mean that both findings can be reconciled and that vaccines won't eradicate COVID-19 but rather it will become less severe over time.

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