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Deep sea welders make significantly more than that, but are at a massively increased risk of injury or death. Should women be thrust into these roles?

Of course not. No one should be ‘thrust’ into any roles, but if women want to do them they should have equal opportunity.

And clearly there is some issue of implicit bias, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this discussion in the first place.

Then what is the solution? Because as far as I can tell, unless you force people to be 50/50 in a profession, it will be basically impossible to get rid of the implicit bias people have in those jobs. And I'd be willing to bet that applies to other immutable characteristics, not just gender.

People working in those sectors themselves acknowledge there is implicit bias. And the difference remains even when you control for dangerous work (I.e looking at people who only work desk jobs).

You may never get to 50;50 but there is no reason for the disparity to be as large as it is - any more than women (or any any other immutable characteristic) don’t self select not to be CEOs or similar.

And articles like this tell you you don’t have to look too far to find out what the real reason is.

Exactly, it’s impossible. This so happens to be politically beneficial to people who want to weaponize it.

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