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It's not mentioned because it likely doesn't matter and is rather complicated as:

- Ships large navigating the canal normally do so through pilots specialized in it provided by whoever operates the canal. And while the captain still is in control he/she delegates the control to this pilots under his/here supervision (as they are still responsible for the ship I think). So even if the captain is responsible he/she wasn't "really" navigating the ship...

- There was a unusual large sand storm, it is possible that things had been 100% outside of the control of anyone navigating the ship. Just consider a causality chain like sand-storm => engine failure(cause by it) => wind drives ship onto shore before restart of engines is possible.

So it's completely pointless to name anyone human involved until the actual causality chain is properly investigates.

A thing which tbh. should be done much more in other cases, too.

No other ships were impacted by the storm. If the captain was a European or American national he'd be all over the news. His identity is newsworthy. My guess is that the Western media is having trouble confirming the identity of the captain and/or finding any details of his identity.

> If the captain was a European or American national he'd be all over the news.

Citation needed. HN is going down the drain with low quality comments like these. Identities are probably hidden to prevent Western media from spinning a bullshit narrative about how the crew nationality was a factor in the accident and get more clicks with clickbait headlines.

It is already public that the crew was Indian. It's just names that are secret.

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