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Someone please reboot the webring idea, include a search feature and kill google!

Something I'd love: a search engine for personal websites.

Millionshort.com allows you to leave out the top x sites (100/1000/100000/1000000) from a search engine. Often it will give me some personal blogs in the results. Also nice for finding random information about some topics

Great tool, Thanks! After 15 minutes trying a few obscure searches, great -not- seeing them dominated by familiar sources. (Deeper research does -not- need endless repeats of introductory stuff!)

Drew DeVault's blog uses openring to add a webring to his articles:

https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring https://drewdevault.com/

I had a crack at that with the blog directory (https://bilbof.com/blogosphere/blogs), but it's pretty limited!

One thing I thought would be cool would be an API for similar blogs or articles, pretty much opening up an internal part of blogosphere. I think one could use that to provide a webring.

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