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Not to traffic in huge generalizations, but it was very hard working in parts of the United States with a press badge and business card reading Al Jazeera. Best response I had from a subject who canceled on an interview last minute: "my pastor told me it would be sinful to speak to you."

We had constant internal turmoil stemming from poor leadership with racist, sexist and outdated ideas: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2015/05/06/al-jazeera-a...

Icing on the cake was when we discovered our general counsel lied about licensing to practice law: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/09/business/media/general-co...

Editorially speaking, the coverage was fair, we had huge budgets to cover worthy stories that we deemed newsworthy (rather than by popularity/eyesballs/clicks) and the employee compensation was excellent (they poached nearly 1000 journalists from other outlets when launching).

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