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Yes, 403 Forbidden in lynx as well. This is a very unfortunate trend I've seen increasing over the last couple years. The answer almost always comes from an nginx server, but my understanding is that it's User-Agent sniffing being done for DDOS protection and the use of nginx (being used as a proxy?) is incidental. I have not been able to find any good discussions about it.

Lynx is also sending HTTP/1.0:

  GET /linux-capabilities-in-a-nutshell/ HTTP/1.0
  Host: k3a.me
  User-Agent: Lynx/2.9.0dev.5 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 GNUTLS/3.6.13
I am quite surprised actually. It is unfortunate that these clients still haven't been updated to at least HTTP/1.1. :(

Just patch Lynx to send HTTP/1.1 without implementing keep-alive or any other HTTP/1.1 functionality and your troubles will most likely end. :P It is better to have broken 1.1 implementation than broken 1.0.

CURL is using 2.0 for HTTPS and 1.1 for HTTP by default. Someone should upgrade these CLI browsers to use libcurl or something like that...

I think this has more to do with nginx being one of (if not the) most popular *nix web servers, rather than nginx administrators hating lynx users. I run plenty of websites with nginx that you can browse with lynx just fine.

Yes, sorry, I meant to make that more clear: this is NOT an nginx issue. It just HAPPENS that I always see nginx on the 403 page.

It appears somebody doesn't like lynx's User-Agent string and it makes me sad.

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