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US and allies to build 'China-free' tech supply chain (nikkei.com)
30 points by kevitivity on Feb 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I really hope this is true.

I hope so too.

There goes 25% of Apple’s profits. Who needs to sell iPhones in China anyways. And 50% of GM’s profits. Who needs to sell American cars in China anyways. And Boeing. And Intel. And AMD. And nVidia. And Microsoft. And Tesla. Sweet sweet Tesla that just opened up a gigafactory in Shanghai. Profits vaporized. The list goes on..

There goes the fake stock market while we’re at it. A huge chunk of that value is from China. But, let’s go ahead and decouple.

The article doesn’t talk about or hint at isolating China completely. It is about becoming less reliant on China.

It’s a two way street. China can’t easily ban or sanction all those examples you gave without serious consequences against them.

China still needs the US and the world still needs China. But not a powerful China that rivals the US and has an extremely authoritarian ideology and is willing to commit genocide of people that have been there for thousands of years.


Would you please stop posting flamebait and/or ideological battle comments to HN? You've done it a lot and we ban that sort of account.

Fortunately you've also posted about other things, but we need you not to keep breaking the rules here.


There are 3 million Native Americans in the US. 10 million people.

There were more than 60 million Native Americans in 1492.

To gloss over the effect of introduced disease and how the people of time had no understanding of immunity is to present a disingenuous argument.

The treatment of the first people’s was horrible, and still isn’t ideal. But to act like the USA was responsible for everything since 1492, centuries before the USA existed, while ignoring immunity, is to show that no serious debate will be possible.

The difference is, there are no Americans or Australians alive today who are responsible for any such genocide. China, on the other hand...

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