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Thanks. I've already read that ;) But let me say this. About 10 to 15 years ago I've been more interested in transmission lines because of "Energiewende" and such, came across HVDC, how that would enable smart grids, possibly protection against solar/geomagnetic storms because of faster switching times, and so on. I looked into how they built those HVDC-lines in China, how that is not new at all, but eased by modern solid-state power semiconductors, and so on. And looked further into patents, modulation schemes, even many 'papers'(pdf) and also very technical books(skimmed those only).

Anyway, what I learned was that the grid has many very nonlinear phenomena which are extremely hard to model and predict, because of the dynamics. Much more complicated than the simplistic answers some here have given you. So...relax?


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