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Chamath for California Governor (chamathforca.com)
12 points by todsacerdoti on Jan 26, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

This can't be serious, can it?

Cutting taxes from 16% to 0% will double the state's revenue?

Everyone can attend any school they want for free? That's an obviously absurd promise to make.

$1.6T is total US student debt, not just CA. Also, I don't know what an ISA is, and the website doesn't tell me. Googling it tells me about "International Studies Abroad", does not seem relevant.

$2k for a kid is nothing. Anyone that makes a decision to have a child on not based on a $2k payment is an idiot that should not be having children.

> I don’t know what an ISA is

I’m not certain, but I was able to find “income sharing agreement” in this document.


Edit to add:

Possible related a company he is involved in student loans.

“SoFi, which is now led by ex-Twitter COO Anthony Noto, was founded more than a decade ago to offer ways to secure better financial terms for student loans.”


States all get the majority of their tax revenue from some combination of sales tax, income tax, and property tax. If income tax goes to zero then I guess the other two must go up. I would guess he advocates repealing Prop 13 as part of his plan.

I would imagine like Bloomberg and Perot, Palihapitiya has made some unfortunate correlations between their wealth and their acumen.

I haven't seen him present any better sensemaking structure, so he's banking on his brand. It's a bad habit we need to remove from politics entirely.

This promise of cutting taxes to stimulate growth has been one of the most repeated lies since the 1980s which has destroyed the progressive tax code we had and led to ever greater inequality, which in turn has our society careening towards instability.

I'm all for it but I feel like I'm missing how will they come up with the money to pay for this?


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